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Submitted by anonymous on

Hi, my name is Gustavo and I am new on this forums.

I read the topic wrote by Luciano Simas, and found it very intresting, anyway there was'nt a response for his question which was very intresting at least to me.

I also study as a Conducting/Composing, and have the oportunity to work with orchestras non professionals.

using musicians from my school

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Submitted by anonymous on

I'm in college and I plan on recording some songs soon and I will be using some people on campus to play a string part on some songs. If I use these people should I pay them a one-time fee? Do they get a cut of sales? What if they did it for free, but I magically made it big and sold a lot of recordings, could they demand a cut of the pay?

Music Software Freebies

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Submitted by anonymous on

Hi Everybody,

The 19th issue of my free music technology newsletter is now available. In this issue, you'll find some cool info about Cakewalk's new Sonar 3. You'll also find a great article about where to find some of the best free music software on the Web.

I also announce my new Sonar 3 Power book: