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a tracker with sheet music-ike interface?

First off, I don't know anything. I'm totally new to playing with this stuff.

I've looked at several "trackers" . Modplug, Fast Tracker, Acid Pro ... and each of them seems to use a grid style interface for composing music. Are there any programs or plugins that allow you to write music in a sheet music style?


Cakewalk Music Creator Pro24

Hey folks,

bear with me as I'm very new to all this. I decided to make a start at some home recording so downloaded cakewalk music creator pro24 from limewire, and i am actually stumped from the start.

it says for me to select the midi outputs, and when i select the one on the popup list, it still asks me to make a selection as "i will not be able to hear anything play"

software to start recording music

I am a soldier in Iraq and I am trying to set myself up to do some recording. I have a P4 3.2 ghz,800FSB,1gb ram laptop on the way to me. I also have an M Audio USB MIDI interface, M Audio Mobile PRE-USB and a MXL MXL 990 Cardioid Condenser Mic on the way to me.
I am planning to connect my Johnson J-Station to this setup. I have a Steinbereger guitar I plug into the J-Station.

what the dance music needs to sound punchy?


i'm working with synthetic basslines and kick drum making techno music.

i have used to work with plugins to compress the bassline and kick but i would like to invest a money in some good sounding compressor (limiter) and make my basslines and kicks sounding better. i mean analog and punchy.

My first music mix. Comments welcomed...

I recently got finished mixing and mastering 6 new songs for my brothers band, "Dear Vanity". Previously, I'd only done sound editing for video projects and some simple mastering, so being able to finally be in charge of mixing an album from scratch was a real treat. Even though they couldn't pay me, I still agreed to do it just for the experience.


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