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Hi please need help newbie

hi you guys, I need help please. I just got a CAD 49 tube condenser mic, and I can't get any sound off of it. I connected my CAD 49 condenser mic to the analog power supply using the 7-pin XLR connector into the mic in of the power supply. Then I connected my mic preamp which is bulit onto the Xenyx802 mixer to the output of the power supply using a 3 pin XLR.

question for newbies

recently i bought an at2020 from Audio-Technica, i bought the phantom power to go along with it its all hooked up but everytime i try to record with it it doesnt pick up any sound granted i dont have a mixing board i just have all electronic ones with the programs I'm using my buddy had the same predicament as i do but he messed with some stuff with his computer and fixed it up he just forgot w

help with my mic setup for a newbie!

recently i bought an at2020 from Audio-Technica, i bought the phantom power to go along with it its all hooked up but everytime i try to record with it it doesnt pick up any sound granted i dont have a mixing board i just have all electronic ones with the programs I'm using my buddy had the same predicament as i do but he messed with some stuff with his computer and fixed it up he just forgot w

Ok, need urgent help. I'm a newbie

So, I want to start recording really soon. I want to record acoutsic guitar/electric guitar/ and vocals...I've talked to several friends who know some things about recording so they said all I needed was a mic, mixer, cables, stand, and computer.

My understanding is that you run it like this:

mic--> cable --> mixer --> cable --> computer -->software