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Simple piano recording setup: opinions?

I'm looking to record music on a baby grand, and have been reading a good deal online about mics suitable for piano recording that won't nuke my budget (saving up for $1000). I came across a guide online that suggests an AMT M40 on the piano and a GT67 in the crook (I'll opt for the less expensive GT57).

Opinions on K2, KSM44, Baby Bottle, e914 or MD421

Okay so I'm about buy either a RODE K2, Shure KSM44, Blue Baby Bottle, or the Sennheiser e914 and md421(together as an option). I'm recording acoustic guitars, electric guitars, piano's, harmonica's, mandolins, and both male and female vocals. I'm just wondering what you guys would pick and what your thoughts are on them.