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I was wondering that if you have a very good plugins bundle with great EQ's, Compressors, Reverbs, etc. Why woild you have the same as outboard gear. This question might seem stupid to some of you, Im just a newbie.

Woudnt it be enough with the plugins, if not, what would be the difference between these? Do they both have different uses?


PARIS EQ plugin

I was wondering if any of you have used this plugin ? Lately I have been reading about how much EQ plugins suck compared to good hardware EQ's (I wouldn't know, can't afford them) but that some plugs are better than others, so that being said...

Cool new mastering plugin spectralive?

Hi all,

This is my first post here (great forum!) and I do apologize if this is in the wrong section. I just purchased a new mastering VST called spectralive, my crappy speakers never sounded better, and it's dirt cheap, anyway just thought it would be helpful for some.

They have mp3 demos but they don't do justice to the the product IMHO.

PC Mbox/Pro Tools 6.7 - Why can't I use my VST plugins?

Hey fellow Audio lovers...

I guess my topic explained my problem, but I just bought Pro Tools 6.4 (about to be updated to 6.7) and and Mbox. I am using a PC, not a mac.

In my couple of years of recording, i have accumlated a library of vst effects and i want to be able to use them in Pro Tools...I am sure this is possible.