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Preamp usage

I'm wondering about the merits of tracking with lots of available types of preamp's vs using a really large great sounding console? And how many people today still track with just one console?

IOW would I be better off buying anouther type of preamp to complinent my Focusrite ISA428? For a better soundstage and instrument seperation?

Focusrite ISA 428 or the JML TMP8 preamp?

hey everyone,

I am in the market for a new higher end preamp (currently only Twin Track Pro and the Tascam FW-1884 on board pres).

I am looking at the ISA 428, and recently because of all the great feedback, the JML TMP8.

I like the 428 because of the A/D card I can get along w/ 4 great me 8 extra inputs in addition to my current 8.