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A preamplifier, also known as a preamp, is an electronic amplifier that converts a weak electrical signal into an output signal strong enough to be noise-tolerant and strong enough for further processing, or for sending to a power amplifier and a loudspeaker. Without this, the final signal would be noisy or distorted.

Firebox or Inspire as standalone mic preamp?

I'm trying to decide between a PreSonus Firebox or Inspire as my interface for my fledgling DAW. One thing I can't figure out is if either could double as a standalone mic preamp that I could hook up to my Iriver IFP 895. I know there are more practical/portable preamps for this purpose, but it will be awhile before I can justify another purchase.

Mic preamps. are they needed?

ive got the fostex mr-8, which comes with two built in mic preamps. i run a Shure sm-57 and some other cheap Audio-Technica mic through a Behringer eq and then right into the recorder. recently ive noticed that when i record clean guitars, mostly acoustics, i cannot get enough volume. i turn the eq all the way up and turn the preamp up as much as i can before the noise takes over.

which preamp best suits a KSM 27?

I wondering about what kind of preamp could enhance the performance of a Shure KSM 27 for vocal recording? Possibly can be used to do some brass also. Right now Im using a Tascams Fw1884 phantom power...
Anny suggestions?

Cubase SX3, Powerbook 1.67Mgz, 2.00gigRam, Tascam FW 1884, MOTU Machfive, EWSSymphonyc, Fatar 1880, Shure KSM-27, Sampson 8 pi/drum mic

newbie pro tools preamp question

New to pro tools, I'm using a 002r. I've been recording with analog and ADAT systems for a few years. To get to the point. When I was setting my levels on the kick and snare drum mics using the 002r preamps, they were very hot. Even when the gain was turned down to 0 on the 002r, they were still very hot. I ended up running the mics through an external pre-amp.

preamp upgrade

I've been reading some of the numerous preamp discussions here and am hoping to get some more specific advice. My main mics and an AT4050 and a pair of studio project C4s. I run though a dbx 386 to an maudio omni I/O. I bought the 386 at someone's suggestion (not here) but I'm not getting the sound I'm looking for yet. To me, despite supposedly being "tube" it sounds cold and harsh.