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Processing Power

Many people say that the most important part of an audio set up (especially the complicated DAW Pro Tools HD) is processing power. Without ample processing power, you will be left only wishing you could use the plugins you bought.

Digi designs solution is processing cards, providing 900 mhz of power each. These cards are damn expensive.

What are some of your solutions?

how to select audiosuite processing to replace the original

I cant seem to find out were i can select that any audiosuite processing replaces the original edit in the edit window. Right now it automatically goes into my audio bin? i know there is a simple solution i must have selected something as it didnt do this before...

anybody know because I'm wasteing a huge amount of time on draging and dropping in and out...arrrgghhh

Extra Processing power for mbox, 002 etc

Wassup everyone? I use mbox1 to record death metal and black metal so it gets real loud and insane. I need more processing power, I cant record anything loud or it gives me that damn error "Drive cannot get audio fast enough blah blah blah". I have almost smashed my computer because of this message a few times and I'm so sick of it.


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