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The RCA Corporation was a major American electronics company, which was founded as the Radio Corporation of America in 1919. It was initially a patent trust owned by General Electric, Westinghouse, AT&T Corporation and United Fruit Company.


I have an old RCA D77 that I use for voice overs, female vocalists (especially of the jazz kind), male vocalists when I'm looking for a classic vibe, brass and also clean guitar cabinets (although I started getting paranoid about a blast of air from the amp blowing out the ribbon and I quit that).

rca digital

can 2 digital S/PDIF pieces be connected by your average analog rca cable?

also 1 more, is there a quality loss or reason why you should not use an XLR to unbalanced 1/4" cable to connect gear to a patchbay. ie: balanced in/out of DA-30 to an unbalanced patchbay?


RCA 44 BX Buzz

I have 2 44BXs which were both rebuilt and blessed by Charlie Gand before he passed away. They've both functioned well for years. In my new studio I seem to be in a substantial 60Hz EMF field (I think from the high voltage running down the street outside). Both the RCAs hum (which I can null out somewhat with position) but one is much louder than the other.

Pad recommendations for RCA BA31-C mic preamp?

I just picked this pre up and it seems everything I run through it is distorted.There are no input or output adjustments on it, so I guess I'm stuck with one level, but do I need a pad after the mic, before the pre?
If so, which one is transparent enough(model numbers please).
Also, has anyone else used this pre before?
Any applications where it excels?