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$2000 to put into 8 mic preamp's - recommendations?

Hello everybody, I have $2000 to lay down on to try to get some workhorse mic preamps for my studio. Right now I have a cheap mixer (Alesis) and an ART Digital MPA Pro (which I really like on vocals and guitar), all going into a Digi 002. My main goal right now is to put together something that will sound good on drum tracks, so a combined 8 channels would be preferred.

Mic closet recommendations

Here's a list that I decided to compile that may help those of you who are asking what are the "studio standards" when it comes to mics. These are the ones I think are a a bare minimum requirement, the "must have" to run a respectable project or professional studio. The up side is this is a complete "wish list" which should serve almost any pop production house.

Recommendations for Outboard Mastering Compressor/Limiter

I recently added a SonicStudio HD system to our mastering room and I am seeking some suggestions for a brickwall limiter. I've currently got an API 2500 compressor which offers some nice old school character but I really need a decent sounding limiter. Unfortunately the local shops are no help since the salesmen typically don't use the gear they're selling.