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Beyer Ribbons

I see a lot of folks are using Beyer ribbon for overheads etc...I would love to grab a Royer but it is a little out of my budget..What are the recommendations? What is the main difference between the 160 and the 130? Both are bidirectional...How does the 260 sound?..I am not buying a pair and will be mostly using these for jazz acoustic and vox...


Royer's Ribbon Mics?


I have been hearing and reading ALOT about these Royer R121 and R-122 being used to get some awesome guitar tones. I haven't had the opportunity to use or hear one that I would know of. I'm really just wanting to get some feedback on these mics and hear what everyone has to say about them. Like, what u have used it on and what this mic has done for u.

Shure Ribbon 33 mic


I was digging through a box of cables,etc... and came across 2 old Shure ribbon Mics model #33. Anybody know anything about these? One seemed to work better than the other so I'm guessing some work needs to go into them to make them completely functional. Just wondering if it would be worth it? Am I sitting on a gold mine? Can I sell them on ebay and afford college tuition for my children?

Oktava ML52 ribbon mic


GC is blowin Oktava ML52's out at 200 bucks. Most people seem to be gawking at the 100 for MC012's, but I wanna know bout this one. Anyone used it? Is it worth having around cause it's a ribbon or is the money better in the bank saving for a royer? Does it have that ribbon "warmth" that is so often spoken of? I have a some condensers (rode, oktava, AT) and the regular dynamics.

AEA R84 Ribbon mic... anyone tried it?


I am doing spoken word and voice-overs, and my nature is to find THE best vo mic for my work. I use Shure Beta 58s and RODE NTKs, but recently saw Wes Dooley's AEA R84 Ribbon mic that looks like a vintage RCA. Anyone have experience with this mic yet? Or what preamps flatter the ribbons?
Thanks for any replies... SG


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