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Shotgun mic help?


Hi all, I've been thinking about starting my sound kit now for field recording and television and film sound recording. I've worked production sound on small projects as a sound mixer, boom op and at times both. I'm slowly building my sound kit I own a Zoom H4n and I want to get a shotgun mic to build my sound kit. My questions being...

Shotgun Microphone


Shotgun microphones are the most highly directional. They have small lobes of sensitivity to the left, right, and rear but are significantly less sensitive to the side and rear than other directional microphones. This results from placing the element at the end of a tube with slots cut along the side; wave cancellation eliminates much of the off-axis sound.

Sennheiser 416 shotgun for VO

I have never, knowingly, used this actual mic for VO? I may have? There you go. Just to clarify. No knowledge.

Some apparently "big time" LA VO guy says, on his website(From a recent VOB post), that he has one of these available along with unspecified LDC's, if needed for use in his own VO studio... Got me thinking(A rarity, yes, thankyou.)...