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Can't eliminate dry signal in Cubase 5...

My guitar signal is going into my soundcard and is then being processed by Cubase with vst/dx plugins in real time. I am unable to mute the dry signal for some reason. All i want to hear is the 100% wet, processed signal, but can't seem to do so. I have a SBLive, which I a am using the APSLive ASIO drivers.

Signal path and gain

Am running VS-1880 and my path is Nuemann TLM 103 mic into MAckie board for preamps,w/ inserted FRM RNC compressor, out from Mackie into into Antares 1 AUtotune, and into ROland. SHould I be using minimum gain at the Mackie and more at ROland, or visa versa? thanks in advance. Waiting on the new 2480 to come out!AM looking forward to this board! :)

Soundscape Internal signal routing

Ok. here we go again..

I have heard that you can "customize" your mixer in R.ed.. How much can you customize it?

I suppose that you can have dynamic FX's on the mixer. can you have your plug's pre compressor? or pre compressor post EQ? how about: Plug>Comp>Plug>gate>Eq ?

In other words.. what can you do when talking signal flow?