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Signal Chain question: Recording Direct into DAW with Guitar Rack Preamp

I'm looking to record without Micing an amp or using desktop/software amp modelers. Would this be possible, correct to do this for signal chain:

Guitar > Guitar Cable > Guitar Rack Preamp (ADA MP1 or Marshall JMP1) > Stereo Cable > Apogee Duet FireWire Interface Line In > MacBook Pro > DAW

Could you rate my signal path?

I have one very simple question, would this signal path, if produced competently, yield vocals that to the untrained ear would effectively assimilate to vocal tracks heard in Top 40 music? Here's the signal path:

(Wall-foam'd closet) > Neumann TLM 102 > BLUE Robbie Preamp > M-Audio Profire 610 A/D Converter > Macbook Pro

Thank you very much!

-30 dB cut box - stereo signal

Hey all!

Recently I got a diagram from an audio technician at a company telling me how to make my own -10 dB cut and -20 dB cut stereo box. But now that I made them did I realize that I need one single box with around -25/-30 dB cut. I can see from the numbers I got from the technician that it's not just doubling the ohm numbers to go 10 dB extra.

the killers, vocal signal chain, what is it? anyone know?

I love the gain/compressed/flavor/color on the vocals on the whole album, mostly this song.

anyone have any inside info on this album? the breakup sounds like this mccurdy preamp that i have access to at my bigger facility I use, but every time I hear this song, I just love the grit they got.