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A decent HIz Software for quick projects?

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Submitted by Joshh on

Hey there.. i'm looking for a decent piece of software for recording guitar quickly. I have an ESI esui1808 18 channel usb interface and it had 2 HIz inputs.. could any body recommend some really decent software/ plugin to compliment it? i've tried toneport etc... hate it, any suggestions would be appreciated thanks :)

Software; Stupid Ambitions

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Submitted by Codemonkey on

I considering a long winded post about DAWs, but instead I've decided to announce my procrastination and say I've decided to write my own. Hell, if uni won't teach us C++, writing a multitrack editor will.

Unfortunately I've been spoiled by my former possession of a (ah hem) illegally obtained version of Sony Vegas 7. So I've hated most apps I've used since then.

Where to install software, and where to store files...

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Submitted by unclejemima on

So I'm almost ready to install my Protools, and also my Kontact.

I've been told by some to install my Pro Tools on my main hard drive (the one with windows on it) and to install my sample program on an external drive. Also, they say to record all audio files to the external drive.

New Software Upgrade Help!

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Submitted by vdrummer on

I have a fire wire 16 channel mixing/recording board and all was working well with Cakewalk Home Studio 2004 except I cannot get home studio to record to my external drive and it appears it will not allow me to save to a new folder when doing different songs it wants to put all wav files on the C drive. I have a 1.8 GHz 512 MB computer with external 7200 rpm 16 MB cache.

How Important is software?

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Submitted by anonymous on

Can a good sound be created without good software? I have been using Audacity and continually get some sort of hissing type noise in the background. Is that the mic or the software? I know there are not as many advanced mixing options with audactiy, but does the sound actually change when using higher end software or do i just have a crappy mic?