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drum software

I've never used any type of drum software before and was wondering how realistic is it, and is it easy to use? (I've never really used midi before either). I've read some reviews on ez drummer, drumcore, and bfd and am not yet sure what I'd be getting into. I just don't want to waste money on something I may not use. If it helps, the music I do ranges from mellow acoustic to hard rock.

Hardware vs Software

Hi. I'm near completion of remodeling my basement studio and my mindset is turning more towards what kind of gear I want to end up with at this point rather than what drapes to pick out. I've already had Auralex do the room analysis thing and the treatment will be in soon. I will have a Tascam DM-4800 as the front end of my DAW running Cubase SX3.

Looking for good software!

Hi all,
I have a videography business where I make DVD copies of all the videos I made for my clients. I have used number of DVD copy software but they are time consuming and I am also not satisfied with their quality, since they don’t have all the features that I need. So is there any other software, which can help me in my business?
Thanks in advance!

Good Recording software for Mac?

I have a Mac Powerbook G4, with Garage Band. I dont really like the program for recording so i use a Tascam DP-01. I really enjoy the Tascam but Im looking for a quality, easy to use software program to give me a more "professional sound" and the enhanced manageability of recording on a computer. If you have any suggestions for good programs for a good price that would be killer.

"amateur" recording software

hello i dont know which topic this belongs to,
so i am writing in here

i am buying my girlfriend a gift for birthday.
she is a singer that have no time to go record a song in studio
and thought about creating a "studio at home" to record her own tracks.

what programs would you suggest me for piano, mic,vocal recording and
editing ?