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Still looking for musician-friendly recording software

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Submitted by anonymous on

So I'm still looking for musician-friendly recording software.

I had started out with Audacity, and it works like a dream but it can only output 2-channel stereo and it crashes a lot. And it has a long list of rotten effects that I don't know how to delete.

I had looked at n-track but that's looking pretty dead nowadays.

Recording software question

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Submitted by anonymous on

I buyed Mackie d8b now i need recording software for it. Since i dont have 2000 euros for Nuendo can i buy Digidesign mbox-1 and than use Pro Tools LE for recording?

I mean mbox have just 2 inputs so does it mean i can just record with it that 2 inputs from mbox hardware or i can connect Mackie and record more channels with Pro Tools?

can i just get "pro tools" software by itself

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Submitted by bobbo on

or do i need to get one of their boxes?

i ask because i use digital performer right now, and i like it, but i want to use "beat detective" since from what i hear and read, its the best sounding quantizer for actual drum tracks. so i obviously don't want to switch from my two MOTU boxes and dp software to go to pro tools, just for beat detective.

Alternate software for editing music?

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Submitted by zedrein on

Hey guys, this is my first post here, and just as I am a relative "newbie" on the forums, the same can be said about my experience in the studio. So firstly, let's get to my (rather modest) set up: I have a Premio 1.5 Ghz CPU running Pro Tools LE on a Digidesign MBox, what I am wondering is, can I use a different editing software (Adobe Audition 1.5) through my MBox?

Thinking about new DAW software

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Submitted by BobRogers on

Well it looks like my Digi 002R went south on me last night. Haven't tracked down the exact problem yet, but I've been thinking about moving on from PT Le for a while and this is a little motivation. (I definitely won't be making any decision until I cool down, but I might as well collect information while I'm pissed off.)

Creating sound for Games, Cartoons. Equipment, Software

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Submitted by anonymous on

I want to try to mess around with sound for cartoons and games. What I am really interested in creating. Sound Fx. So I understand that a lot of sounds can be recorded live, but what if you want some blaster sound etc... What Software do I need for that? What keyboard? I was thinking to begin with M-audio Oxygen or E-mu Xboard... Any suggestions? Thank you.

? Audio Editing Software Options ?

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Submitted by anonymous on

I'm currently in a digital media class where we've been using Sony Vegas to edit audio, however, I'm sure that there are many other programs as well that people use professionally. I was wondering:

1. Talking specifically about the major motion picture studios, what are a couple of the programs that they use for audio editing (besides Vegas)?