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DAW to DAW software comparisons

With PT9, Pro Tools is now available as a software-only DAW. So now software to software comparisons of the major DAWs can be made without all of those hardware demons lurking in the back of our minds. I'd like to encourage those of you with extensive experience on multiple DAWs to chime in with comparisons of (1) workflow (2) features and (3) technical specs.

Drum Replacement Software?

This may sound totally stupid/noob, but anyone here used drum replacer software?

Typically what I do is play 'real' drums to get the parts I want to play and then 're-record' them using MIDI triggers and sample libs. This is mainly because I don't have all the kit one needs to properly close mic a set... plus the set isn't that great.

Software and computer for classical composing

The Software:

So I'd like to stick to PC if possible because my brother works for Microsoft and I get Microsoft software for 90% off. So, from what I've read. The pc standard mixing software is acid pro. In acid pro can I compose classical music via notation? Does acid pro have the ability to provide me with decent quality synths (strings, brass, winds, piano, etc)?


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