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Recording guitar on Sonar 6

Me and my brother were recording some music last night on sonar, he is an acoustic alternative musician and i am a hip hop artist so the way we record our vocals/instruments differ. For some reason when he would use his guitar to record it would cut off when recording and were forced to loop it. Also we're now having problems with choppy feed back.

Mixing Down In Sonar 6 PE

When i mix down In Sonar 6 PE my final Mix down tone goes up and down. on play back thru Sonar everything sounds great. i'm mixing 26 tracks of audio with effects (eq, reverb, etc) down to a wave file. i think it is my processor but the indicator shows 20% cpu usage and 10 hard disk. i run a amd sempron 2800 with 2 gigs of ram my audio from guitar and bass record fine

Sonar 6 deactivates my piano until i fire up Sonar again!

I have a Yamaha clavinova clp-240 digital piano, and I can usually just turn it on, turn up the volume, and play.

Now, i have to fire up my computer, open sonar6, arm a midi track, and THEN it will let me hear sound from my piano.

Everytime i shut off sonar, it disables sound from my piano!