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Naming SOnar MIDI Inputs

Please excuse me if this is obvious. I have been using Cakewalk products for many years and seem to remember always seeing OMNI, 1, 2, 3...16 for the MIDI inputs on the track. The MIDI output always shows the actual MIDI port name. Now I use three different MIDI interfaces and would like to be able to direct a specific MIDI in to a specific MIDI out.

Sonar 2.0/US-428 HELP!

I recently got a US428 to use with Sonar 2.0. It looks like everything is working correctly but I don't get any sound from my headphones. I plugin my guitar and the input LED's light and sound wave show up on the screen but I can't hear anything. I don't have monitors yet so I have not been able to check through anything but headphones.

Sonar to Sonar sync

I am currently using Sonar XL on 2 PC's and need help with syncing them together. Ive played around with the setup a few times, but not sure I'm doing something correctly. The first pc is using the MOTU midi timepiece av. Im using the sound cards midi port on the second pc to connect them together. Everything else is working great.

Sonar to Sonar sync

I am currently using Sonar XL on 2 PC's and need help with syncing them together. Ive played around with the setup a few times, but not sure I'm doing something correctly. The first pc is using the MOTU midi timepiece av. Im using the sound cards midi port on the second pc to connect them together. Everything else is working great.


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