Soundcraft Spirit Folio for recording
22 April 2003
Has anyone used the Soundcraft Spirit folio SX desk in a recording application? If so how did it fair?
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spirit/soundcraft folio serial# question
8 April 2002
Any one out there have a folio range mixer, please check your serial#. I need to know if the serial # starting with RW means a refurb or not. Don't want to get screwed ya know.
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Soundcraft Spirit Auto(mation software)
1 November 2001
I just got my new board! A Soundcraft Spirit Auto made in 1993 and am SO very happy about it, (anyone want to buy a good used Topaz 24/8?).
So, here's my question: the board was made in 1993 and the automation software seems to be obsolute and/or unavailable. The manual states that it can be run by Cubase, JL Cooper stuff, Soundcarft software (mac only) as well as "any sequencer".
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