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Rogers BBC monitoring speakers LS 5/8 bi amplified with Quads 405

Hello everyone -

2 easy questions :
1. Which pre-amp would you recommend that has balanced inputs and a nice warm sound

2. Would there be any point in using a nice old Glensound mixing console as a pre-amp or would i get nothing out of it soundwise ?

Thank you so much, dear friends

Kind Regards


Speaker question? Not sure what's going on or how to call it

So I picked a good-looking set of speakers up at a thrift shop for 5 bucks (Aiwa SX-LM99). Can't find much on them on the internet but they appear to be working fine. I tested them at a friend's place who had a proper speaker pre-amp and stuff. Connecting them to my own setup, however, posed some issues.

Dual 1/4 Inch jack speakers - connections advice

Hi shameless quest for advice here - if anyone has 2 cents they can donate it would be very much appreciated.

Got hold of two weighty PA looking speakers with dual 1/4 inch jacks and no knowledge of their spec or their past and my limited knowledge is at a loss for the best way to utilise them... exhibit A attached below (please ignore the amp above it's not working)


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