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How Many Speakers

We have a community room in a apt. building that is 42x28. They have a need to play the tv in the room and also want 2 wireless microphones. My thought was a crown 180MC amp with 70 volt ceiling speakers. How many speakers, what kind is best. Any thoughts on microphones, my thought was AKG..Thanks for your help...Dan

Can Someone Recommend (Inexpensive) Mixing Speakers?

I'm currently using a couple of tiny and cheap desktop speakers to mix and I recognize I'll need something with power to pick up on subtleties in the sound, so if anyone could recommend something in the $100-200 range or just laugh at me because you can't get anything worthwhile at that price I'd appreciate it, thanks.

Building 1x12 Cab for Eminence Speaker

I want to design and build a cab for an Eminence Patriot 12" speaker, and I already have the internal dimensions plotted out.

If I design a 1x12 cab, will it sound thin or lackluster compared to a 2x12? Also, how hard is it to get good tone from a home-built design? I understand some acoustics and definitely understand the wood construction techniques.

Best method to record an audience and speaker

Hi there, I've a complete newbie question, I want to record a Retreat, basically a single speaker and about fifty guests, I'm trying to source the best audio equipment to produce an optimum recording for distribution on DVD or just to convert it for internet broadcast.

The set up at the moment in the Retreat house is as follow;

1. TOA PA amplifier, model A-1724


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