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I need the poor man's Waves Stereo enhancer- Any ideas?

My mix sounds good, but is a bit wide. Yes, I could fiddle and pull each track more towards the center, but I understand there are plugins like the S1 that can pull the mix to the center, i.e., folding everything in proportion, right down to mono if need be. I need a plugin like this, but on a budget.

Are there any other options out there?

General principles of applying reverb and compression- Stereo bus, or tracks?

I am puzzled about where I should be applying my effects, and whether there is any detrimental effect to summing effects in serial. Let's say I have guitar, bass, and drum tracks, and that they benefit from some processing. Should I be treating them individually, say by soloing the track and adding effects there, or should I be adding reverb and compression to all of them in the stereo bus?

Ms stereo

The mid-side (M-S) stereo recording technique puts the center of the soundstage (mid) in one channel and the side information in the other. These mid and side channels can be adjusted and reconfigured to accurately represent a conventional left and right stereo image (on their own, they do not give you a left/right image).