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-30 dB cut box - stereo signal

Hey all!

Recently I got a diagram from an audio technician at a company telling me how to make my own -10 dB cut and -20 dB cut stereo box. But now that I made them did I realize that I need one single box with around -25/-30 dB cut. I can see from the numbers I got from the technician that it's not just doubling the ohm numbers to go 10 dB extra.

Power Stereo Amplifier

Hey, I'm currently using two different types of speakers as my temp monitors. One is a non-powered PA speaker and the other is my Ampeg 4x10 bass cab while going through a Berhinger Xenyx 1202. I'm using my bass head for now as my amp but I can only get one channel into the input so I can only get mono output or the left side out of both of my speakers.