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How do i record acoustic guitar in stereo?

Hi, i just bought a matched pair of RODE NT55 mic's and a Focusrite 18i8 interface. Im using Garageband. What setting in garageband do i need to adjust for stereo mic recording? Will the recording appear as two separate tracks or just one? Also my monitors are active when i record. I have selected the turn monitors off feature but they are still on. Im not sure how to fix this.

Feedback Wanted: DPA SMK4060 or 4061 Stereo Kits

I am looking at a stereo mic kit to do simple remote recordings of live performances. Fairly diverse music genres - some chamber music, some big band, and some bluegrass. Most will be in a few decent halls in my region.
I have a collection of decent studio mics in pairs (AT4050's, SM81's,RODE NT5's), some good "spot mics"

WhichPCI audio card for Mytek Stereo96 DAC ?

I have purchased Mytek Stereo96 DAC, and connected it to my MOTU UltraLite mk3 Hybrid .
I was totally blown away by the improvement this little Mytek DAC gave in sound quality .
But the dealer says that ít's much better to combine Mytek with a PCI audio card . He recommended RME HDSP 9632 .
Is that a good choice ?
Does it exist any better alernative ?