Need help with an Ampex atr-700 tape machine
Hi all,
A friend of mine just acquired an Ampex atr-700 reel-to-reel tape machine. He got it from the company he works for while they were cleaning out some old gear. We wanted to try doing transfers of some digital material to tape to see how it sounded. The material in question is 24bit 48k two track material that I have on my audio computer.
SebAmp recieves review in tape-op mag
welcome to the new age TapeOp
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Tape tp CD?
I have a Tascam tape foutrack and want to put some clips on the internet. I'm thinking the best way to do this is to burn my tape master to a CD, burn the CD to my hard drive and transfer the file from my hard drive to the hosting website.
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i get a lot of inquiries on this subject. questions like "I would like a fatter tape sound. I would like to bounce my finished mixes to tape before mastering". While i'm a big fan of tape and the way it sounds, there is a point I feel that is missing. When i was a mixer mixing to tape, I used to spend hours compensating for what the tape did.
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Ancient : Moldy ADAT tapes
Greetings all..
I have quite an extensive archive of ADAT SVHS tapes that due to the local environment (high humidity) are almost unplayable. Some clients would like me to remix them but in the interI'm I would like to clean them up. Has anyone here ever had to restore old ADAT SVHS tapes and remove mold?
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DAT tape question
A friend picked up a couple of DAT tapes for me but ended up buying different tapes than I was expecting. They bought VerbatI'm "Computer Grade Data Cartridges" I'm just wondering if there is a difference between these and the TDK or Sony audio DATS that I have used before. I'd rather not unwrap and try them if they won't work.
Thanks for any advice.
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Tape signal to amp
What's the crack with re-amping a bass signal for example. I've recorded through a DI and now want to send that signal to an amp. As the signal is obviously now line level will that damage the amp? Or can I still just patch from tape into the amp head?
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Reel to Reel tapes status
Does ne1 know when there will be tape available again ?
I need 456 tapes, soon.
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shipping digital tapes from da-38
does anyone know if i shipped da-38 tapes via fed ex or ups, if they would get damaged or lose data from any xrays?
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Zonal 820 DIN broadcast tape
I'm going to use some of this tape for music recording. I'm currently using AGFA pem468.
Anybody ever used DIN broadcast tape?
What's the difference?
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