Micing old-time acoustic guitar & vox
Working a client that does "old time" acoustic/vocals (with bass and drums but I'm mainly concerned about the acoustic/vox). Any ideas on Micing to capture that ballsy Martin sound?
Working a client that does "old time" acoustic/vocals (with bass and drums but I'm mainly concerned about the acoustic/vox). Any ideas on Micing to capture that ballsy Martin sound?
this may be a stupid question but i'll try anyway. Is there such a thing as a program that can remove a vocal part from a track? I f so what are they called and who makes them?
thank you v. much
First, I'm a recording newbie and humbly bow to the experts who will read this post. I'll probably use wrong terminology for some of this, so please bear with me.
I'm trying to find the best tape recorder (cassette recorder) for recording voice audio (without breaking the bank!).
I started a Cubase 24 track audio recorder project. So far I have only used 2 channels. On channel one I have a voice audio recording coming out the left speaker. On channel two I have another voice recording but coming out of the right speaker.
How do I save this as a wav or mp3 file? Cubase only seems to let me save it as a CPR file?
Hi everyone,
I'm working on a prog-rock project right now where I'm mixing a singer with a voice which sounds like a cross between Roger Waters and Robbie Robertson. Very bassy and chesty. No matter what I do it sounds to bassy. Besides using a HP filter at 80Hz, What other frequencies are generally troublsome for a soft vocal?
I found a second hand Focusrite Green 3 pre in mint condition for
665 Euros ($807)
good buy?
I heard it's great for instruments too...
Okay, I finally got the hang of how to record in cool edit, and edit it, put in back ups, etc.. But now I have one more problem, my voice is extremley low, I can't even hear my self.. especially at the height of the beat, it just drowns my voice out.. I know that there has to be some controls somewhere to fix this, and even everything out. I simply don't know which ones control that..
I was all set to plunk down my credit card down on a Focusrite Voicemaster Pro . . . but then got to thinking: Adobe Audition (the sequencer I'm using) has a compressor, de-esser, expander, EQ, reverb, and even plugin tube effects in software (all of which can be saved as an "effects rack"), why would I want the VM Pro instead of Audition with a simple (but good) pre and an interface card?
You hear it on the radio and in theaters; That HUGE monster size voice over (usually for emphasis).
what are some different ways that is achieved?
I would really appreciate some suggestions or opinions regarding preamps (and good mics to match with) mentioned above.