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This sucks, i got this cr 1604 like i was saying, and i get it out of the box, it seems to work after i buy the power cord. Plugin the headphones cuz it was kind of late, and toy around with it. It seems like its in good enough shape. The problem is i dont have any monitors at the moment due to an electrical fire in my friends garage. So i plug the bal/unbal main outputs into this old marshal cab i have here and all i get is a terrible buzzing, like 60 cycle hum on pcp or something. could it be the marshal? it dident have a problem with my phonic mm1705, and we all know thats a peice of crap?
Anyone know whats up?

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anonymous Wed, 11/05/2003 - 12:59

this probably goes without saying since you mentioned the 60hz hum by name - but make sure they're on the same ground circuit along with everything else in the loop.

not too long ago i saw the same problem arise when a signal conditioner somehow took a piece of equipment out of the loop that everything else was plugged into. and that was strange.

good luck.

scott sends . . .


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