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WOW! :roll:



anonymous Tue, 07/30/2002 - 11:05

That's bizarre, man, they should be sending you a paycheck each week for taking over their non-existant tech support. On a lighter not I just ordered my SX crossgrade. I'm so happy to get something out of Logic ;) By the way, my guy here says that the rep told him they are only dishing out a finite amount of crossgrade packages. That contradicts the august 30th deadline. The rep has assured him that if he gets his order in today he will be exclusive here in Austin on the crossgrade offer. You know how that goes, though, exclusive except for GC and Mars maybe? One step closer to the dream machine...

Opus2000 Tue, 07/30/2002 - 12:36

Yeah...I would love to be paid for doing online forum support but I think that would change my whole outlook on it and make me scrutinize people more!
I like doing it for free as I am not obligated to help....just do it for fun and the laughs as well!!!
I'm still waiting for my Cubase SX copy from Steinberg....always waiting...last in line it seems!!

Doublehelix Wed, 07/31/2002 - 06:55

There is lots of controversy going around about the timing of the closure...too much flamming going on over the release of SX + the Mackie Controller debacle...Steinberg denies it, of course...the date had already been set for the upgrade, etc., but funny how it wasn't announced before it was shut down...Hmmmm...interesting!

Doublehelix Fri, 08/02/2002 - 10:18

Originally posted by BrockStapper:
Not to mention the horrid initial response to the Nuendo 1.6 upgrade. I just don't understand how a software company can wait so long to release an update and then have it be full of bugs. Does anyone actually use it over there?

I am sure it was rushed out in response to all the flap about SX. I realize it has been planned for a while, but my guess is that all of the available resources went to developing SX, and Nuendo 1.6 got put on the back burner, and now that SX is "out", they went back and hurridly released the Nuendo upgrade...

Also, if you want my opinion on the SX release...

I don't think Steinberg planned that one for too long...I think it was an emergency release to combat Logic 5...they just took Nuendo and made some changes...and voila!...Cubase SX!!! You have got to admit that when they announced SX in Frankfort, they took *everybody* by surprise. If this had been in the planning for a long time, word would have leaked out before that... *somebody* would have known. It was a rush job, and a way to keep people from going to Logic 5. Look how quickly they released SX after announcing a "Whole new platform"? Yeah...whatever!!!!

Don't get me wrong, I love SX. I have been using Cubase VST for long time, and had been planning the move to Nuendo this summer, but as soon as the SX announcement came out, it was a "no brainer" for me to upgrade...US$150 for SX upgrade (and keep VST for System Link), or US$1,000++ for Nuendo??? I am sure that Nuendo 2.0 will rock, but...