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Our new website is up and we are still tweaking it so it is technically not ready for prime time but if anyone wants to take a look and offer suggestions here is the URL.

Please let me know what you think. Thanks!

The person who did our website, Taylor Shockizzle, IMHO is a genius when it comes to website design.



JoeH Fri, 03/23/2007 - 08:09

Nice website! (The faux latin is just place-holder stuff for now, right?)

But if I'm reading this correctly, your mission statement, on your front/splash page, indicates there's a chance you MIGHT screw up and you'll do it again for them, for free. What a scary mess that would be - , the client's time has been wasted, and you're forced into a re-do situation; hating life, working for free.

If it were me, I wouldn't be comfortable with the message that's sending???? (It would be the LAST time I'd hire a company, if it DID happen....)

All work in this biz is certainly guaranteed, but IMHO, it's not something to put in front of a client's eyes the moment they click on your website: "Hey, if we mess it up, it's free!"

Judging by all the wonderful services you DO provide, I think there are much better things you can say in the way of "Hello" to entice new clients visiting the site for the first time. A nice pic never hurts, either.

Not sayin', just sayin....

Oh, and maybe drop the "Created by Dreamweaver" & "Taylor" stuff....nobody cares about that kind of thing anymore, really. (Or is that a copyright thing with them?? Perhaps it is? Put it down the bottom somewhere, if it HAS to be there.) Unless he's working for free or something, I don't understand why "Taylor" has to have front and center eye-space, smack-dab in the middle of your front page website. Sure, he created it, (for a fee?), but that's PRIME REAL ESTATE and his name does not really belong there. (Yours perhaps, or something equally important, or a current event. It just looks like needless bragging, IMVHO.)

This is one of the first things people see - middle/right-front of the page - when they log on, and it should pay out for you. ("Taylor" knows this, of course! ;-)

I really DO like the site, but I think you could get more into the good stuff sooner, with a better use of the front/splash page than that scary caveat.

Just my .02 worth. 8-)

Cucco Fri, 03/23/2007 - 11:24

Nice looking site!

I'm with Joe - lose that caveat.

Also, just nit picking....but:

I would lose this image and any incarnations of such an image. I know classical musicians who would not hire someone based on such an image. (They'd assume you don't understand music since notes are drawn incorrectly).

Other than that - nice CSS!