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Hey I'm wondering if there are any plugins out there that can kill or get rid of reverb in a track or in the mix. I have heard of trans X from Wavesbut i dont have that kinda money for the kit, is there anything free i can use to Kill or remove reverb from the mix? Any Thing? Ill take a look at demos too if any of you know of things i can download that would be great.


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FifthCircle Mon, 08/30/2004 - 12:37

It is expensive (although not that bad to rent), but check out the CEDAR DNS-1000. It isn't perfect, but you can do some pretty remarkable things with it to reduce reverb in a recording. I never would have believed it until I heard it myself.

If I remember correctly, you basically bring all the faders on it down and use the one on the far right (???) to adjust the level of the reduction. Of course it is program dependant as to the amount you can take out without having artifacts, etc...


anonymous Wed, 09/01/2004 - 14:43

starmusicdigital wrote: multitrack. in the drum track i have a load of reverb and need to reduce some of it thats all.

How many tracks do you have for the drums?

I'm thinking that you may just have a lot of room sound, because all the mics are picking up everything.

If this is the case, and you have everything on a seperate tracks, then use gates on the toms, snare, and kick. Then try running the overheads through a high pass filter. This will greatly reduce the room sound.

If all the drums are already mixed down to two tracks, then your for the most part gonna be stuck with that "reverb" or room sound.