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What kind of studio mic should I be looking to get? I am talking about quality professional mics not average mics.
There are many out there and I have been comparing but what do you think? :confused:

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Jon Best Wed, 05/23/2001 - 18:18

Unfortunately, it really really really really really does not matter whatsoever what us guys think. Period. You have got to go listen to as many mics as you can, on whatever source you are trying to record, and find out what fits your needs, budget, and taste. Maybe finding a local studio with a very good mic closet would make sense as well- book an hour or two, bring some instruments and friends, and record everything through everything they have. Go home and listen. Don't worry much at all about type, diaphragm size, specs, etc.- just listen.

Originally posted by lacumbiax:
What kind of studio mic should I be looking to get? I am talking about quality professional mics not average mics.
There are many out there and I have been comparing but what do you think? :confused:

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atlasproaudio Fri, 05/25/2001 - 19:47

What are your applications, budget? 57's will work on the cheap side, probably the best economical solution next to an Shure SM-7 (which I keep coming back to for some reason). I dont agree with "stopping" the use of condensers though, thats just silly. Each voice has its own best mic, but for some people they can only afford that one good mic and have to deal with problems with eq. Here is a general chart of generally very much above average NEW large diaphram condensers and ribbons (non-stereo) mics currently on the market by street price range:

$799-$999: Soundelux U-195, Neumann TLM-103, BLUE Blueberry, Royer SF-1, Royer R-121, BLUE Dragonfly

$1000-$1999: Coles 4038, Soundelux U99, BLUE mouse, BLUE Kiwi

$2000-$2999: Neumann U87Ai, Soundelux U95s, Brauner Valvet, Manley cardioid reference, BLUE Cactus

$3000-$3999: Neumann M149, BLUE Bottle (the Bottle is the best value of all of these mics IMO because of the 7 interchangeable capsules available for less than the cost of the lowest condenser on this list)

$4000+ : Brauner VM1, Manley Gold reference multi pattern, Soundelux ELUX 251, BLUE bottle with B4 capsule (Perspex sphere pressure omni...seperate capsule is retail $1500), Neumann M150

Nathan Eldred
Atlas Pro Audio, Inc.

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