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I am trying to narrow it down for mic and mic preamp choices for next purchase, any help in this process is appreciated.

Below is part of the equation, you Choose which Matched pair SD Mics you would use and which Dual Mic Pre and if possible Why you chose what you did under the following conditions:

Conditions = 500 sq ft. apartment, DAW, hard wood floors,
Room = has fairly good acoustics except for some and occasional street noise
Acoustic Guitar = Taylor 420 - Maple - bright guitar
Male Vocals
Music Type = Folk, Blues and some mellow rock
Recording into a DAW via Fireface800, 24/48

Mic Pre choices are - choose 1 and Why?
UA4110, Avalong 2022, or GR MP2NV

Matched Pair SD Mics- choose 1 pair and Why?
Josephson C42, MicrotechGefell M100, Avenson ST0, AKGC451,
AT4041, AT4051, ADK SC-T, Studio Projects C4, T.H.E. KP6

As it is not possible for me to go and listen to the above equipment, I need your opinions and expertise. Thanks for your participation.




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