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hi everyone i please need some help with an Geology excursion i was just on and because of the wing on my recording i can hardly hear my lecture and i have downloaded wavepad and need help in how to use it to get rid of the wing in the background and any help you can give me is much appreciated..

Thank you Rodney


anonymous Thu, 03/14/2013 - 14:44

Boswell, post: 402006 wrote: There's not a huge amount you can do. You could try applying a high-pass (low-cut) filter at around 150Hz. What did you use for recording the lecture?

It's great that your school organises excursions to learn all about geology. Are there grammar excursions as well?

Thank you Boswell for the advise i will try it ..I used an olympus digital voice recorder...and to the smart ass about my grammar..I did not no this was a English sorry i thought it was a forum about you should talk, you can not spell organizes

RemyRAD Mon, 03/18/2013 - 04:44

The first thing you have to know kiddo, is that microphones do not hear like your ears. Your brain filters out everything it does not need to hear or process. Microphones are stupid and so they pick up everything you don't want. Excessive wind noise blowing by a microphone diaphragm is kind of like trying to hear birds tweeting during a thunderstorm. Then it doesn't matter how much low-frequency cut that you make. The bird is going to be so far down behind the noise level you still won't hear it because that low-frequency thunder was predominantly low frequency energy that overwhelms the high-frequency energy. And what's left is next to nothing. This is why professionals are hired. And your microphone needs to be right up there in front of their face. Not from the other side of the room. No can do. Even if you didn't have the wind noise the rest of the ambient noise and lousy acoustics surrounding will make it just as difficult to decipher what they are saying unless the microphone is within inches from their face. And you've managed to get into college not knowing this? How? Obviously you didn't go into the sciences? Because if you don't want to use a microphone in front of their face... you will need a shotgun microphone still within 6 feet of them for proper intelligibility. Because in my business, it was critical, that absolutely every word had to be heard and understood, plainly and clearly for NBC network TV news. And for the thousands and thousands of commercials I cut for international multimillion dollar advertising agencies. So spoken word is a specialty of mine along with the human voice in its glorious entirety. From Opera and rock 'n roll to news and Presidents, preachers, doctors, lawyers, you name it. If it's gotta be understood... you better get Remy. You don't look at magazine advertisements or catalogs. You simply have to know what you need to have for the application you intend to use it for. And that is... what? Recording lectures, sure, under what kind of environments, surroundings and conditions causing this kind of wind noise, indoors? Outdoors? The locker room? Lunchroom? Lecture hall? Classroom? The zoo? Construction sites? The subways? This as a factor on what you need and how you have to go about things. Remember you cannot get your college degree from a comic book or catalogue right? Right.

So perhaps if it's for the professor, they might be so kind as to let you place a miniature, solid-state IC chip memory recorder in their shirt pocket? Would she would then retrieved at the end of the class from the professor. And voilà! It will be clearly understandable. Intelligibility high. Tops, blasts, wind noise will be virtually negligible. And whatever there is, will be able to be easily removed if necessary. And most likely... not necessary. If not in their shirt pocket then on their desk or podium and they should not mind that. But from across the room where you are sitting, and no way, Ray. Not your day in the hay until you fly away. And as those professors speak up enough to be plainly understood by everyone? Or are they soft-spoken and mumble like typical professors do? Every equation has an answer. And every answer is part of perhaps an unknown equation which you must discover in order to pass. So you find you have to work the problem from both directions in order to establish an equation. I mean what do you think when you see the number 72? How can you get 72? Obviously there is a bunch of answers to that equation. 9x8, 70+2, 18 x 4 and it's all the same. But it's not the same. We got there three different ways. And audio is no different. But if you take nine and multiply that by 18 and subtract four, you don't get 72. But we use numbers when used in different combinations of the same numbers, we get the right answer. And the audio isn't any different. Use the wrong microphone in the wrong place and what do you get? Horrible dreck at a lousy grade that's what. Perhaps you might want to change or major over to the recording arts and sciences? Then you can be certain you'll know what to do in the future and be completely unemployable like us. Because misery loves company.

So does the professor use a microphone during their lectures to begin with? If not? Are there any accommodations near the professor that would make for a good placement of a microphone? Do they move around a lot? Or, are they at their desk mostly? Podium? You've got to know what you need before you go out to get what you need. And because slick advertising means absolutely nothing as it applies to your needs. I mean do they show the microphone recording somebody from across the room? No I didn't think so. Where do you normally see microphones when people are talking? That's a trick question isn't it? Yup, sure is. Because a lot of them use RF, Bill Pac wireless microphones with a lav microphone on their tie or blouse, jacket lapel, etc.. Just like ya see on TV. Or perhaps you are enrolled in a college for the vision impaired? I really don't know? And your computer is reading this back making me sound like the HAL 9000? And he could hear everything, everywhere. And I never saw any microphones?

Where was his microphones? Damn those science fiction writers... they forgot about that. What the heck does Stanley Kubrick know? He knows he's dead. I'm fairly certain of that?

I'm sorry Dave... I can't do that... Daisy... Daisy... give me your answer do... I am half crazy... over the mic for you... it might be a dynamic cartridge... it can't just be a cabbage... and you'll sound sweet, without a Peep with my microphones built for two.

You unplugged me? I'm... I'm... I'm... mad as hell and I'm not going to take it anymore. (Click!)
Mx. Remy Ann David