Hello Everyone!
Can anyone recommend a decent vocal mic for less than 200 pounds?
I have currently been using a Samson C01 but obviously that sa very sheap condensor mic and I would like to add a few more mics to my armoury.
Im recording vocals from my home studio, using duvets as a makeshift vocal booth which seems to work nicely.. what I would like to do is try and get the best recording possible for my money.
Thanks In Advance
About $300.00... When you get there, an E-V RE-20 is a great mic
About $300.00...
When you get there, an E-V RE-20 is a great mic choice: versatile, solid, reliable.
At $500.00 (320 pounds), the various models available opens up. But that's in the States. Pricing for "pro audio" is totally different in other parts of the world. Many "cheap" lines here have to through a bunch of handlers, distributors, customs, and the like that definitely drive the prices WAY up.:)
I will be posting this in more detail in the next week or so but
I will be posting this in more detail in the next week or so but a friend and I just undertook a very comprehensive vocal mic test with over 22 microphones. I will be posting the website soon with audio samples etc.... We tested both a male and female vocalist with microphones ranging from $300 USD all the way to $7000 USD. Although it is a bit a premature to announce, our testing showed that by far and away the MXL V69 offers the absolute best performance to price ratio - period end of point. It bested mics worth 10 times the amount. So my adivce is that you go with an MXL V69 you will not go wrong , trust me.
No I don't work for MXL or a store or a website - just a working joe who really likes microphones.
For that price you can get ADK A51S Pro Type V (£130) ADK A51 S
For that price you can get
ADK A51S Pro Type V (£130)
ADK A51 SL/ Vienna/Hamburg (£170)
AKG C2000B (£105)
AKG C3000B (£149. Don't laugh, it might be just the right mic for him :P )
Audio Technica AT2020 (£70)
Audio Technica AT3035 (£130)
Audio Technica AT4033 (£160)
Audio Technica AT4040 (£200)
Beyerdynamic M260 (£170)
Beyerdynamic MCE90 (£200)
CAD M177 (£195)
JoeMeek JM47 (£90)
M-Audio Luna (£110)
M-Audio Solaris (£160)
Rode NT1000 (£160)
Rode NT1A (£120)
Rode NT2A (£195)
SE Electronics SE2200A (£140)
Studio Projects C1 (£125)
Studio Projects C3 (£190)
Studio Projects TB1 (£195)
And a whole host of dynamics
BTW, has anyone spotted the odd man out? :wink:
I use an Audio Technica 3035 as my main mic in the studio to rec
I use an Audio Technica 3035 as my main mic in the studio to record vocals (female and male) and acoustic guitars. Though a nice pre, the results are exceptional.
If you are using plug-ins then you should just use a good dynamic like an SM58. For some reason I find that vox recorded through a dynamic respond better to plug-ins.
[[url=http://[/URL]="http://www.dv247.com/invt/2607"]Digital Vil
[[url=http://[/URL]="http://www.dv247.co…"]Digital Village[/]="http://www.dv247.co…"]Digital Village[/] :)
The Samson is pretty rough. You might look at a good live mic in
The Samson is pretty rough. You might look at a good live mic in your budget area. The Shure SM58 will outperform a cheap mic like that. You might also look at an Audix OM6. Since both of these mics were designed for live sound vocals, they have a more directional pattern which will assist you in getting a decent sound in a not-so-great room. A lot of folks on this site like the Studio Projects B1
condenser, but for my money, stick to a professional live vocal mic in that price range. They tend to sound better and hold up longer.
By the way, isn't 200 pounds kinda heavy for a mic? (Sorry, I couldn't resist!)...