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Hi all,
I have a recording of a guitar recital I played in 1993, recorded by VHS recorder then transferred to DVD
I need some plugins to remove noise, dry up the room reverb if possible and re eq.
I have been playing around with Audacity, and I am familiar with the functionality of various effects and their benefits...
I am asking if anyone has had experience in doing this kind of fixing, and what plugins,tools, etc. work.
the noise reduction tool in Audacity if cranked up to eliminate the noise almost totally distorts the music so it sounds like a DUCK! the noise seems to be across the audio spectrum, perhaps a little louder on the higher frequencies...I have tried the eq with some limited improvement..recommendations please for...

1. tool that can remove noise without reshaping the music unfavorably.
2. Real time plugins for adjusting eq on the fly
3. anti reverb tool ( if such a thing exists)

here is what I have now

I am not opposed to hiring this out...just want to see if I can get it myself.
I played a Bach prelude, fugue and two other movements from a lute suite and the Tarrega tremolo study, so I would like to get these cleaned up to give to family, friends
thanks all,

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bouldersound Sun, 09/01/2019 - 13:40

I would start with Reaper, a good and affordable DAW that you can use as a trial for free. There are some tools that might help, and being able to do things in real time is a major advantage over an editor like Audacity. Start with the ReFIR plugin. If that doesn't do it then a specific purpose plugin might be needed. I suspect iZotope would have something for denoising and reverb removal, but there are other tools on the market.

pcrecord Mon, 09/02/2019 - 04:56

RX is the best suite I used... But there is a limit to what it can do without affecting the target audio..
I'd prepare myself for doing noise reduction instead of noise removal work, keeping a bit of noise is often better than loosing precious frequencies..
Also be carefull with reverb removal.. this is often chopping too much..
Could you post a sample of before and after ?


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