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Hi can anyone give me the website address for these preamps . I tried the search function and couldn't find anything. Probabaly won't doing it right! Thanks. :oops:


KurtFoster Thu, 02/17/2005 - 17:00

Mmmm-kay ... Never heard the JMP stuff (would love to review them) ... It looks like they are a variation on the theme of the 990 pre amp ... like the Hardy pres and the old MCI / Sony stuff.. a pretty nice chunky yet open sound ...

Never heard the Syteks either ( I thought I had but I found out I was wrong about that) so I really can't say ... anything's possible (want to buy a used car?) I don't believe they are transformer balanced however.

The Syteks use of an external low voltage wall wart power supply however, pretty much blows in my opinion. It's difficult at best, to get decent headroom or phase response or to supply sufficent juice to pass transients without distorting them or to form a decent bass wave with low voltage wall wart type power supplies.

I think the Syteks are most likely real ok but over priced ... I have recently heard about the Studio Projects SP828 pre ... 8 channels of Burr Brown chip based pres (like the Sytek) with a stereo mix bus included (can be used as a mix / summing mixer) for near half the price of the 4 channel Sytek. More features at a serious saveings ... Now that's what I'm talking about.

KurtFoster Thu, 02/17/2005 - 17:24

mmmm-kay again! I was wondering about that ... hee hee

The pre is the TMP-8 and yes, I like it quite a bit ... It's a variation on the theme of the Focusrite Red / API discreet Class A op-amp types ... and as such sounds very much (almost exactly) like an API.

I'm still waiting for a new review unit from JLM, with the limiters engaged and the direct instrument / line inputs. I'll let you know what I think about it once I have messed around with it for a while.


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