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I was wondering who makes the most "sought after" unit as far as exciters go?(for recording purposes) . .SPL or APHEX . .is there a standard?...anyone got an opinion?


KurtFoster Wed, 04/06/2005 - 14:27

I don't know of anyone who uses those things. All the do is boost the highs and add distortion ... yuck!

15 years agao when a lot of people used small format narrow guaged analog recorders that were incapible of recording solid highs and lows, these products were in vouge. They also found acceptance in PA applications, where they are still used. BUt in the recording world, the usefulness of this kind of processing has outlived itself.

anonymous Wed, 04/06/2005 - 15:12

klauth wrote: I was wondering who makes the most "sought after" unit as far as exciters go?(for recording purposes) .....SPL or APHEX there a standard?...anyone got an opinion?

I own a BBE sonic maximizer that I use iether live or for recording (I use on recording--- only when I have a real bad take and dont have an option) its a quick bandage in my opinion.
I also have a Aphex arual exciter----------------dont like it-----------It may be useful for hard banging,thumping,boom---boom---boom.
Ive used it to record before(not a good idea).
Just my 2 cents worth :wink:


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