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I got distracted from drawing out my own available basement, and a friend asked me help with his. So here it is. He wants to improve the space acoustically and how it is used.

I put together 2 PDF files in Illustrator with all the details. The images are oriented so that UP is the current FWD facing direction. I drew in the console in one for reference. Through the door on the front wall is a converted garage that is the primary STUDIO space. Records bands in there from this Control/Mix room.

The walls in the front are Paneling over drywall. The rear and and rear sides are carpeted. Oh, music style is COUNTRY. (Prop me up by the jukebox before I die. .) His wife says NO WALL MOVING! So thats out. He is willing to put the console facing the rear wall if needed. Or wherever. But that would put his MixPosition in the CENTER of the room! :( Crap!

NOTE: as is explained on the PDF, the ceiling at the rear slants INTO the room from a stair in the adjoining room, and there is a DUCT on the left that is 1' down from ceing and 2' out from wall (enclosed).

I have some ideas, but what are yours?

(I was thinking of making large moveable GOBO's to create a moveable mix position enclosure. That would allow him to face the STUDIO and then mix with a better room set up.) ?




Kurt Foster Fri, 01/17/2003 - 09:04

Sorry it took so long for me to get to this but my browser wouldn't let me download the images for some reason. I finally broke down and upgraded to a newer version and everything is humming along quite nicely now. (I hate to upgrade. Too much crap that goes along with it)

This is a weird space. How is working presently? I see a real problem with a lack of symmetry in the room. Did you say the ceiling slants up from the front to rear of the room? I hope so. I was told by John Storik once, "Never fire into compression". The one thing I would advise is to continue the wall off the iso booth to the front wall, however this will make the room almost square. The other option which IMO would be the best, would be to get rid of the iso booth altogether. I just don't know what else to say about this. That's why I asked about how it is working now. I say if it is working ok, don't mess with it, as I can't really come up any solutions that wouldn't include some wall moving etc. Fats
Tannoys, Dynaudio, Blue Sky, JBL, Earthworks, Westlake, NS 10's :D ,Genelec, Hafler, KRK, PMC
Those are good. …………………….. Pick one.

Kemble Fri, 01/17/2003 - 13:15

I knew I should have saved those as jpegs or a lower pdf format....

Since I first posted it, we've come tho the conclusion that no 'little change' was going to make a big change in the quality of the room as far as acoustics. So, I think we're going to do a room swap. The LIVE room will be the room that is not the control room which you see. The control room will move to the live room, which is through the big honkin glass door.

The good news is that that room is 10' wide x 19' long. Currently has a drop ceiling. I'm thinking it needs to be ripped out. All that mid band absorbtion isn't the best- correct?

I was thinking of using a LEDE setup for him. Use 703 broadband absorbtion across the front back to behind the mix position. Quadrafusors in the rear- HAVE YOU HEARD OF THE QUADRAFUSOR? :D Its a new quadratic diffusor for home studios- goes for ONLY $200!. Now THATS a deal!- :D
Outside of that, I'm not sure. Figure bass trapping in the front and rear corners? Maybe some panel diaphram traps. Those offered on Ethan Winer's page seem to do the job.

Thoughts on this set up?

Kurt Foster Fri, 01/17/2003 - 14:17

HAVE YOU HEARD OF THE QUADRAFUSOR? Its a new quadratic diffusor for home studios- goes for ONLY $200!. Now THATS a deal!

Yes I have! I'm very excited about them! Actually I'm hopeing to get some for myself soon! Y'know I was going to ask if a room swap was possible. How high is the drop ceiling? Auralex, Acoustics First and a bunch of others make panels for those. Diffusers and absorbers. I think if the ceiling is any more than 8 or 9 feet that might be a cool solution. I am taking from your last comments the control room as it is now is problematic. So it's probably the best thing to do the room swap. Up side, iso booth in the live room. Kewl! Fats
Tannoys, Dynaudio, Blue Sky, JBL, Earthworks, Westlake, NS 10's :D ,Genelec, Hafler, KRK, PMC
Those are good. …………………….. Pick one.


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