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sending WAV files via internet

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Submitted by fgarcherd on Mon, 04/04/2011 - 13:34

i'm just wondering if uploading WAV files to a site like, and then downloading them from another computer will damage the quality of the files. It wouldn't make sense, since they're still WAV files, but I want to make sure. anyone know?



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The only way that the quality of the files will be damaged, is generally by the 6" on the receiving end, when they replay it.

But to save some corruption possibility of damaged data bits, and a corrupted/unusable file, it never hurts to zip up a file when doing simple http transfer. Otherwise, s/ftp is 100% accurate.

Its the damage done by the individuals BEFORE and AFTER the transfer that you really only need worry about.

Tue, 04/05/2011 - 17:29 Permalink