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Hello, I bought the TLM 103, not very happy with the sound and I was thinking about selling it and buying two less expensive mics...

I want a tube mic and a valve mic.

My choices after research were the RODE NTK and the CAD M9. any thoughs or advices on my crazy ideas "(for some people)" are welcome. .

PD. . I have 2 The Brick preamps that I will use with any microphone that I decide to buy


TeddyG Wed, 05/04/2005 - 17:38

Again(As in other posts), I'd put the TLM money(If I had it) into an AKG C414B ULS(Now, XLS) condenser and an Electrovoice RE-20 dynamic. Having the pair would cover my vocal needs quite well(I'd try to "pop" for the Stedman pop filter, too - mostly for the AKG...). Someday, a "super tube/valve" mic, sure, but it will be a multi-grand expenditure - with another multi-grand expenditure on the fancy-schmancy multi-tube mic preamp to go with it...


maintiger Mon, 05/09/2005 - 14:43

I try to turn it on a couple of hours before hand... however I've done a couple of sessions turning it on just 15 minutes before-
and it didn't seem to affect the sound negatively- When recording percussion I set up two K2's a couple of hours before and they put out a lotta heat! enough to make a difference in the room temperature anyway- we kept turning the AC on between takes as it was a bit too warm-