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Can you suggest me a good neutral mixing headphones in the 100$ range? Or do you think it'll really worth it to save up more to get something in the 200$ range (beyerdyn 990pro) instead of something in the 100$ (seinh HD280)

My monitors are Yamaha MSP5, they are ok, but I want a second reference, especially for the bass frequencies the msp5 aren'nt the greatest ...


John Stafford Tue, 12/07/2004 - 20:55

Grado headphones are the most neutral I've used. I'd avoid Beyer and Sennehiser in that price range. I'm not suggesting that all cheap headphones from these companies are bad, but some are pretty horrendous in this price range. You can get the Grado SR-80 within your price range, but you need to ensure that the headphone output from your equipment isn't just an afterthought, as is all too often the case.

Good luck!

John Stafford

PS Grado headphones are open, so you can't give them to someone in front of a mic.

CLS Thu, 12/09/2004 - 17:51

I have to agree that the AKG K240 series (I use the Monitor version) are very even, accurate and comfortable. The comfort factor becomes critical if you're using phones over extended periods. Headphones eventually cause hearing fatigue, so having an accurate set of full-range monitor speakers is what will ultimately give an engineer the mixing capabilities they require. Having a set of AKG K240s (or something of similar quality/comfort) is both a good idea and investment. Your ears will thank you.

anonymous Fri, 12/10/2004 - 01:58

I use Bayerdynamic dt880 pro and find them a great 2nd refference to my BM6a's.

Some times (3am) I cant play music too loud so the headset allow me to carry on into the early hours. They are also good simply for checking how things sound every 30 minutes or so - to make sure the main monitors are not missing anything.