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Princeton Digital has taken the the Reverb 2016 rack-mountable reverb and squished it down to fit inside a Digidesign Pro Tools plugin !

Requirements: Pro Tools 6.0 or later on Mac OS X 10.4 or later. TDM-HD or Accel hardware required .

Note that Microsoft Windows is not supported nor is Pro Tools Mix or other earlier hardware. Pro Tools LE systems not supported. These are TDM (DSP) plugins.

Sample rate support: 44.1 and 48kHz on HD systems. 96kHz will be supported on HD-Accel systems in early January 2004; and is a free upgrade.


anonymous Wed, 11/19/2003 - 19:53

Yes man,

Here comes the HD-accell only stuff..
Problem I have is I do some work (acoustic stuff) at 96k.
So buying a plug that does not work at 96k is a waste. Accell is not in my for seeable future.
I am also holding out on new plugs at the moment.

With 96k how many new FX boxes come out with 48k only. It makes it hard as in a few years 96k will kick in and your left with something that you cannnot use.