hi :confused:
somebody help me!
i had Pro Tools going on my PC. Then my computer gets a virus - cut a long story short - i end up formatting my harddrive, reinstalling windows, etc.
So, now for some reason my computer is eating up more RAM than ever and i havnt changed anything to the way it was before it crashed.
Its a 733, 128M system running win98SE.
Any help would be great.
hmm...that sucks!! did you make sure DMA is on for your hard dri
hmm...that sucks!! did you make sure DMA is on for your hard drives and off for your CDROM drives? Change the DAE size to see if that helps? did you change the hardware configuration when you formatted and reinstalled the OS? Any other DAE error messages you are getting? 128 should be fine but indeed should be higher..typically you want 256 or more! What other software is running in the background? If you have Norton's or any Virus protect software running..kill it..dont hook up to the internet when you dont need to be. Networking only slows down an audio machine!
Let me know the answers to some of these questions
When you change the DAE engine size...you know...you have 0-4 I
When you change the DAE engine size...you know...you have 0-4 I believe it is...that's kind of teh same thing..the mower juice ya got the more you can enable it or something like that...it's late and I've been in computer nightmares myself...
look at my VIA nightmares post!!!
how silly of me i forgot to mention my point! ok so everytime
how silly of me
i forgot to mention my point!
ok so everytime i try and run protools now it says there is a DAE error which i found out represents there is not enough RAM.