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Hi All,

Can somebody please advise what could be the a recommended low/medium-budget setup in order to do excellent voice-over recordings for promos, commercials, spots, jingles.

Please include all the hardware (mic, pre-amp, compressor, EQ, mixer, etc ., - excluding the PC) and software components required.

I want to enhance and/or tweak the "voices" that we have in-house in order to get the best lively effect on radio commercials that we want to produce.

Thanking all in advance for your kind help.

Luis Filipe


anonymous Sun, 06/29/2003 - 08:31

Hi Rick,

I am aiming at $2000 max (excluding PC).

As you know, it does not mean that the most expensive product is necessarily the best.

As an example, I know that there are many $500 amplifiers that sound better than many $1000 amps.

Also, in a chain of components some products match better than others. Meaning that it is possible to have a well matched chain of inexpensive produts working better than a unmatched chain of expensive products.

As I am somewhat ignorant in this field all contribution will be most welcomed as I would certainly hate walking into a store and having to buy what would suit the salesman best in order to clear his own stock.
