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Hi, i am recording a couple demos for my band and so far everything sounds great but when we started tracking some vocals it sounds like the vocals are completely isolated from the recording. it sounds like its a different song or is being sung from a different room.
i am using
and MXL 990 condenser mic through an MBOX2.

any quick advice to get a decent sound?


RemyRAD Tue, 01/24/2006 - 01:04

This is a dilemma I've heard from other folks like yourself that are rather new to these type of condenser microphones. This is known as a side address microphone, which means you do not seeing into the end of the microphone grill, use seeing into it at a right angle in the direction of the MXL logo! You sound disenfranchised because you're not singing into the capsule! Put on a pair of headphones and turn on the microphone without any other noise. Now start talking into the microphone while rotating it like a police light on top of a police car. You will quickly find where the capsule actually is. Do not sing into the top of microphone. That is known as an end address, which is what a SM57/58 are and what you're probably used to.

Which way is up?
Ms. Remy Ann David

moonbaby Tue, 01/24/2006 - 07:41

Another problem with folks new to mics like that is that the room they're using becomes a major issue. All of a sudden, the mic is picking up all sorts of room reflections around it, and the smaller the room, the bigger that problem tends to be.
Have you done anything to treat the acoustics of the tracking area? Minimizing the rooms influence on the mic willl definitely help you get a
tighter, more cohesive sound from it. You will probably need to place acoustic absorption around the room in the form of what's available to you. Try going to the "Vocal Booth" forum on this site and scroll down and read the feedback on "vocal booth" construction and tips. Teddy G. has made some excellent tips on do-it-yourself acoustical treatments for the budget-minded. Check it out.