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Here is a collaboration I have been working on with a collegue in the US
Its a cover of Floyds' Speak To Me / Breathe / On The Run

You may notice a little artistic license with this one, it is only a first draft and as its 1:38am in the morning here Sydney time I have only used cans so not to wake the household up

I would appreciate any feedback / thoughts from members


Attached files Speak to Me - Breathe - On The Run.mp3 (17.2 MB) 

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Sean G Fri, 09/11/2015 - 21:42

Thanks for the feedback Freightgod & Chris,
I shall take your advice onboard Chris.

freightgod, post: 432342, member: 48902 wrote: Works great for me. Of course, I'm high as hell right now, mind you, so...:cry:grain of salt :coffee:

hey Freightgod.....'Don't bogart that joint, my friend....."

Sean G Fri, 09/11/2015 - 22:09

I can't claim credit for those great vocals, they go to my partner in this project, Dan, based in Oregon.
He has a great voice and thats his natural vocals with just some 'verb and some actual vocal double tracking I believe, not a vocal doubling processor, and no pitch correction whatsoever.
I have been encouraging him to check out RO and extolling the virtues of this great medium (y)(y)(y)

Sean G Fri, 12/11/2015 - 03:42

Talk about a bolt from the blue...

An FM radio DJ from South Australia has picked up on this collaboration I did with Kogwonton and has requested to use it to end his show, and wants to interview me live on air before he plays the track

"I'd like to thank all my fans in South";)


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