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i am purchasing a computer and everything needed to record mostly acoustic style music with some other instruments at some times...(drums, piano, electrik :) )

I'm not quite sure what type of soundcard to get.. 24bit, 96 khz I'm sure is all i need.. and for mixing do i just buy the mixer and plug it into the sound card? I'm not realy sure how it all works..

any explanations would be gladly appretiated..

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anonymous Thu, 06/03/2004 - 02:38

It all depends really on the way you work, an how many tracks you want to be able to record simultaneously.

If a stereo track at a time is all you need, then you'll only need a 2 in, 2 out card. If you want to record a whole drum kit or even record a band live you'll need something with 8-16 or even 24 Inputs.

All the audio sequencers that I know of have built in software mixers, so whether you need an external mixer will be something for you to weigh up, remembering then you'll want a Audio Card with multiple outputs so you can route these to your hardware mixer.

I know I've been a bit vague, but if there's anything else specifically you need to know there are many people 'round here willing to lend a hand. :)

anonymous Thu, 06/03/2004 - 07:05

BladeSG wrote: .

If a stereo track at a time is all you need, then you'll only need a 2 in, 2 out card. :)

im not quite sure on what your talking about.. do you mean if i want to plug my guitar dirrectly intothe soundcard??

i want to buy a mixer so that when i do record drums/other instruments i can plug them into the mixer that plugs into the soundcard.. this is how it works right??..



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