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I admit, I'm not fully up to snuff with it all yet. I'm still trying to understand what I should keep from the old days and what I should be adding.

My DAW setup is getting close to operation. Its not an easy process working this site, having a family and another job all at the same time, but I'm getting there, crawling or not!

I've asked this question before but I'm still having confusion over all the benefits of a summing box now and if its something I should invest in to improve my workflow and ultimately my sound?

I have outboard comps, eq and processors.
I'm using the RME FF 800 and Sequoia 11.

Would you use one if it was given to you and how would you use it?


AudioGaff Thu, 04/22/2010 - 16:34

Scott, you seem to like to put words in people's mouths. No one said you were stupid, though you seem to behave like you do. No one said you didn't know how to record. You keep changing the context to defend yourself. Just brush that chip off you shoulder - Bro.

Digital summing and analog summing are different. Educate youself on the difference of how electrial engineering works and how digital audio math works and then you may one day be able to grasp it.

Now if you believe what you read in an ad at face value, or make a purchase based on what you read in an ad, then ya, you would indeed be pretty stupid. It is pointless and stupid to argue with you when it is clear that you need to experience it for yourself and come to your own conclusions as to if it has any merit or not rather than trying to argue it to some non conclusion as it is clear that you have already made up your mind. Enjoy your plug-ins.

anonymous Thu, 04/22/2010 - 21:48

AudioGaff, post: 346784 wrote: Not trying to start any fight.

you have not had any experince doing it or doing it right.

(nice spelling, idiot - doing what?)

If your still using those half ass crapy plugs

(I love your grip on contractions here "your/you're")

t since you can't grasp it, it is safe to assume that is because you have no experience doing it and doing right. Because if you did, you would then, or should be able to grasp it.

(again, doing what?)

If you can't grasp it and would rather argue with no basic frame of reference

(grasp what?)

Just brush that chip off you shoulder - Bro.

(yep. Go you, Mr. Mod)

It is pointless and stupid to argue with you

(yes, you're right, it's pointless for someone with a tenuous grip on the English language to argue with me)

Enjoy your plug-ins.

(reference: half-ass crappy plugs above - of note, I never mentioned whether I use plugs or not)

as it is clear that you have already made up your mind

(Really? Funny thing, how when one person in this thread stepped up and said "well, I think this, this, and this" - I was receptive to their information. You, on the other hand, chose to be an arrogant little bitch, and I was, not surprisingly, not very receptive to your lack of information.)

Your angry and frustrated because you having a hard time trying to grasp it. I understand, it's cool. But I have much more imporatant things to do with my day than to come here and argue with someone that doesn't seem to grasp it. Maybe your just tryting to hard.

(maybe you're just "tryting" to hard with your typing skills, and should stick to whatever it is you do for a living rather than trying to flame me on an internet message forum.)

Thank you very much, folks. With that, I take my leave.

Cucco, thank you for the enlightenment.

AG, your troll-fu is weak and flabby.

audiokid Mon, 11/21/2016 - 21:45

Cucco, post: 295270, member: 17457 wrote: I've definitely found external summing mixers to be a noticeable improvement over ITB summing. The difference isn't subtle either.

My favorite boxes of choice are Dangerous Audio Summing boxes (the D-Box is simply the most amazing multi-purpose tool on the planet!)

Granted, I haven't tried the Mix Dream and it does look like a damn nice box!

My absolute best recordings (albeit of classical music which doesn't require a lot of level changes and automation) come from when I set the levels JUST right while recording and I don't have to alter the levels while mixing. I sum externally through the Dangerous and (occasionally to often) into the Bricasti and voila - audio chocolate!

I'm not kidding when I say the results are stunning and not subtle!


Looking through the past, seems Cucco and I have a lot more in common than I ever knew.


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